Eastern Girls Fast Pitch League
April 3, 2011

We set the All-Star games for Wednesday, June 22. The 10U and 12U games will be held at 6:15 PM, and the 15U game will be held at 8:15 at White Oak Athletic Association Park.

The Eastern League will sponsor a series of clinics for the 10U division. The format and dates are as follows:

The new developmental pitching rules were discussed, and will be entered as below. I will send them to our respective umpire groups also.

Reminders to All Coaches:
  1. We have an active website as your resource, http://www.easternfastpitch.com
  2. Please make sure that you have a copy of the Eastern League Rules and Bylaws with you at every game. These can be found on our website
  3. You must enter your rosters online at easternfastpitch.com. This needs to be done by April 30.  I need to get these rosters to the ASA to ensure that our players are eligible and insured.
  4. Please make careful note of the developmental pitching rules. Hopefully it gives everyone the ability to develop pitchers and get through times of need that come during the season.
  5. I will send out information about score reporting and Age Group Commissioners later this month.